Monday, May 11, 2015

Belorado, San Juan de Ortega and on to Burgos

This Refugio has a swimming pool - an unusual luxury but perfect for a good hot day.
Recreation area at the Refugio

Just outside Belorado on my way to San Juan

My shadow is still leading the way

It says "learn Spanish, and don´t drink the water." Well, sort of.
I am still letting myself be annoyed by matters technical related to posting this blog. Since there seems to be a shortage of internet cafes, I have found that the best solution is to find a local library. However, the one in Burgos has no capability to download either the blog itself or photos. A member of Security at the library tells me that the answer to my problem is to find a device that will enable me to attach my photo card to almost any computer. Remarkably I understand his directions in Spanish perfectly of what he is describing and where to find the required hardware. At the computer store, I buy the device and set off with new instruction on where to find the only internet cafe in Burgos.

Since Belorado, I am now happily on my own as Katleen has found wings of her own. No more looking after the wounded.

Temperatures now seem to be consistently between 28 and 30 degrees. From now on I will set off on my journey for the day at 6 a.m. and cover a good distance before the sun is at its zenith. I am still feeling well and fit with no physical problems.

This Refugio in Belorado has a swimming pool and very pleasant outdoor recreational area. On arrival, my first priority is to take off walking boots, take a shower and find some refreshments. The restaurant has a good selection of  tapas and the one that appeals to me today is the Pimientos de Gernika. These are little peppers that have been sauteed and then lightly dusted in salt.

I order a Pernod and, instead of being served the usual one ounce serving, someone´s inexperience has resulted in me being served four times that amount.

San Juan de Ortega

Alan and Sophie - our first meeting

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